Dear 2014 STEMcon Participant:

Thank you to all who have responded to our recent requests for a time to come visit you in your classroom. We've worked with all of the many offers from you to visit and have been able to put together a schedule for when we'll be in AL/TN in April. Unfortunately, we'll not be able to visit everyone who has offered, so for those of you who we will NOT be able visit in-person, we worked up a small number of questions (below) that we'd really appreciate your taking a moment to answer. Please write us back just by responding to this message...and feel free to write as much as you'd like. These four questions represent the main data points that we need to gather from STEMcon participants in our evaluation of the program.

1) What connections have you been able to make within your curriculum to space science?

2) To what extent have you shared aspects of your STEMcon experience with fellow teachers in your school or district?

3) What elements or aspects of the STEMcon experience do you find to have had impact on your teaching? And if STEMcon has not had much of an impact on what you teach, could you share why that has been the case? What could have enabled you to make better use of STEMcon?

4) One of the goals of STEMcon was to establish and maintain an online community to support teachers in the integration of space science. Can you reflect on this aspect of the program and offer any suggestions as to how USSRD could more effectively support your work, either during STEMcon or afterwards?

LIkewise, please feel free to tell us about any other aspect of your experience that you'd like to share. It would be very helpful if we could gather your responses by next Friday (3/27/15).

Hopefully the worst of winter is behind us that it's technically Spring. It's been a long and difficult season weather-wise, so here's hoping to a very different Spring. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Jeff and Jeanne