Chicopee High School 170 Grant - Professional Development Session Reflection

The following information will help to evaluate this project’s services and activities.  Your input is critical to the formative evaluation of this project.  Thank you for your time!

Please select the proper date for this professional development session:

Please Select the Career Academy with which you are associated:

Please respond to each of the following questions by typing an answer in the space provided below.

Please briefly describe your current understanding of how you will use MassONE to support the work of CHS's Career Academies:

What questions/concerns do you have about the project at this initial stage?

For each of the items in the following table, please check the option indicating your degree of comfort with that MassONE feature.

I feel comfortable with this feature
I am developing comfort with this feature
I am not comfortable with this feature
I do not know about this feature...yet
Accessing workgroups
Creating workgroups
My Folder: Personal Storage Space
Saving personal files
Retrieving personal files
Discussion Forums
Posting to discussion forums
Creating new forums
Use of existing surveys
Development of surveys
Accessing project calendars
Developing a calendar
TLR and Curriculum Tools
Introduction to lesson plan development access and using MassONE resources

Through this grant, you will be provided with a series of training sessions designed to help you become comfortable using technology within the context of your instructional environment.

In addition to this, can you identify any particular training needs/support that you will need as you think about using MassONE with your students?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to another brief survey which will assess the specific components of today's professional development activity. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Information on this site that has been produced by Sun Associates is Copyright 1997 - 2006 Sun Associates and is available for individual, one-time, use by educators. Duplication is prohibited without permission. All other material is the property of its authors and Sun Associates makes no warranty for its use or accuracy.

Last updated, 10/30/06