Project HITS! -- Parent Technology Training Evaluation

The following information will help to evaluate this project’s services and activities.  Your input is critical to the formative evaluation of this project.  Thank you for your time!

Please select the proper date for this training session:

My Child's Grade (if you have more than one child at HMS, please choose ONE child's grade):

In your own words, briefly describe the topic of this training (use the space below):

For each of the following three questions, please choose a rating from the adjacent scale which describes the degree to which you agree with the provided statement. Then, use the text-entry field to provide the requested additional information that supports the rating you selected.

1. Through my work in this session today, I have learned skills that will augment my own personal productivity.

Such as :

Harwich Middle School teachers are currently working to expand their use of technology within the school and parent community. Today's session and others like it are being offered as a way to help parents become more involved with their students' school experience. Please consider this as you answer the following three questions:

2. This session provided me with specific knowledge and skills that I will use to support my child's learning.

For example:

3.This activity has helped me develop an understanding of how technology in general can be used to improve and assist student learning.

I learned :

4. After participating in today's session, I would now like to receive instruction and assistance in the following topics:

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to another brief survey which will assess the specific components of today's professional development activity. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated,1/31/06