Dividing the Pi -- Professional Development Session Survey

The following information will help to evaluate this project’s services and activities.  Your input is critical to the formative evaluation of this project.  Thank you for your time!

Please select the proper date for this professional development session:

Please select your school from the following list:

Please enter the grade and subject you teach (use the space below):

In your own words, briefly describe the topic of this professional development activity (use the space below):

For each of the following five questions, we ask that you choose a rating from the adjacent scale. Then, please use the text-entry field to provide a brief example that supports the rating you selected.

1. Overall, this professional development activity was of high quality – i.e., well designed and implemented.

For example:

2. This activity provided new information about, or practice with, technology that will improve my own teaching of math.

For example:

3. This activity helped me learn to use technology that will improve students’ performance in math.

For example:

4. This session helped increase my ability to teach students of all ability levels.

For example:

5. The facilitator(s)/trainer(s) for this session added value to the session by bringing with them new knowledge, skills, or expertise

For example:

6. If you have any additional comments on this session, or the Dividing the Pi project in general, please feel free to enter this information in the space below:

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated,8/3/05