AHCI Meeting
Participant Survey

Dear Participant:

Thanks again for your contribution to the first AHCI meeting. We hope that it was a productive and rewarding experience and look forward to learning how we might improve our collaboration. Please take a moment to share with us what was effective and what might be revised for any future events.

Please note that this short survey is completely anonymous. Your responses cannot be traced to any project or individual. If you'd like to comment on any aspect of the meeting that's not captured in the existing questions, please feel free to write comments of any length in the Additional Comments field (question 6) at the end of the survey.

Thank you for your time!

1. Are you a (choose one):

Project Producer Project Evaluator Other Participant

2. Did you find that the January AHCI Producers and Evaluators Meeting met your expectations with regard to:

Content Yes No
Contacts Yes No
Logistics Yes No

Why or why not? (write your response in the space below)

3. Of the items in the following pull down list, please select the one which was the highlight of the meeting experience for you. Please select only one.

4.Using the scale provided, indicate your agreement with each of the following statements:

As a result of attending this meeting, I have an improved understanding of the overall goal of the AHCI initiative
The meeting offered new ideas for how to improve my project work
CPB's desired outcomes for the AHCI initiative are more clear to me as a result of the meeting
My project is on-track toward meeting the AHCI initiative objectives
I have a more solid understanding of what is important for students to know in the area of history, social studies, or civic engagement
I feel current in my understanding of how games and other technology-based tools/methods can impact student learning
I would be interested in attending another comprehensive meeting of this kind before the end of Phase I.

5. If there were to be another full-Initiative meeting held before the end of Phase I, which of the following formats would you considerable desirable (check all that apply)

Face-to-face in a single location
Videoconference for all participants
Two regional, face-to-face meetings with a videoconference connection between the two for certain parts of the meeting
I am not interested in attending another full-Initiative meeting
Other (describe below)

6. Is there anything else you would like to comment upon? Please feel free to use the space below to enter any length of comment you desire.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 4/16/08