Action Steps are those specific strategies that you will put into place to accomplish your goal. Effective Action Steps identify exactly what you need to do to support your goals by specifying who will be responsible for which activity, when each activity needs to be completed, what resources are required, and where the activity will take place. The Template allows you to associate different budget categories (Items) to each Action Step. These categories are useful for determining what parts of the activity are covered by E-Rate.

For example, for your goal of technology integration, you might write Action Steps that spell out the type, frequency, cost, and focus of professional development opportunities that will be made available to enable teachers to achieve the level of integration described in your goal and Ideal Performance Statements. You might also identify the individuals charged with mapping technology resources to the curriculum, and present a timeline for when each area of the curriculum is to incorporate which technology tools and resources.

What is important is that, taken together, the Action Steps that you write provide adequate means for you to accomplish your goal. These are the strategies that you will use to meet your objectives, and they must thus be targeted and appropriately focused on the details of the Ideal Performance described.

On the Template, you will have the opportunity to write Action Steps associated with each goal. The first time you access the Action Steps screen, you will have no actions listed for your goals. Once you have begun to enter actions, however, the actions that you have created will appear as a list. If an Action Step pertains to more than one goal, you may attach it to other goals as well.

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Last updated,4/4/07