Systems must identify where and how the data can be found to inform you of your progress. Some systems may choose to use only the statewide survey tool as a means of monitoring progress, while others may wish to develop a more in-depth understanding of what is working well in the system and which areas need improvement.

If, for example, you are trying to assess how well a system is supporting teachers and administrators in their use of technology, you might begin your investigation with an examination of the professional development offerings of the past year. You might look at how well those sessions aligned with content standards, how useful the teachers felt the trainings were, or how well the participants were compensated for their time to attend professional development sessions. Finding this information will require you to access a variety of system records, examine training materials, and talk with teachers about their experiences. Refer to page 27 of IMPACT for more ideas on local data sources aligned with IMPACT goals.

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Last updated,4/4/07