ALSDE Planning Feedback/Input

The following survey is intended to gather feedback on certain elements of the current Alabama State Department of Education Technology Plan for K-12 Education (IMPACT). The information you provide will be useful in the Department's current efforts to update the state plan and make it more useful for local school districts.

Please feel free to write as much as you would like for each question that asks for a text response. If you have additional comments that do not fit with any of the existing questions, please use the "additional comments" area at the bottom of the survey form.

1.  Do the existing six objectives (in the ALSDE plan) encompass your needs at the local level?



a. Which of the six is the most important? (write your response in the space below)

b. Which of the six is the least important? (write your response in the space below)

c. Which (could be more than one) causes you the most difficulty in aligning with your local goals and objectives? (write your response in the space below)

d. Are there additional objectives that could be added? (write your response in the space below)

2.  Do you think that the benchmarks – aligned with each indicator – are clear and measurable?



a. How might you improve the benchmarks? (write your response in the space below)

3.  Do you think that the evidence and data collection methods are adequate to measure local progress toward meeting the benchmarks?



4.  What terminology in the plan do you find confusing or unclear? (write your response in the space below)

5.  Has ALSDE adequately articulated the process for creating a local technology plan?



a.  How could this description and/or process be improved? (write your response in the space below)

If you have additional comments you would like to add, you can use the following area to enter them. Please try to enter your text as a single paragraph (i.e., the fewer blank lines, the better).

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 11/2/05