District-Wide Technology Survey

The following survey is part of our effort to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional technology and its implementation across the district.

Choose your school's name.

Your answers on this survey are confidential. We do not track the identity of individual respondents and our external evaluators will not share raw data with anyone in the district.

I teach/work at the level and teach the following subject

How has technology impacted your students' achievement?

Please check all of the following statements with which you agree --

1. Technology increases my students' motivation
2. My students use technology to develop mastery of basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics, etc.)
3. My students use technology to become more critical thinkers
4. My students use technology to access, integrate, and analyze information relevant to interdisciplinary problems
5. My students use technology as a tool for self-directed learning
6. My students use technology to solve relevant, real-life, problems
7. My students use technology to discover concepts and prove relationships
8. My students use technology tools in ways that parallel and model the way that technology is used in the world of work
9. My students use a high degree of personal judgment when choosing and applying technology tools in their learning activities

10. Please check all of the technologies which you employ with your students --

(you may use the comments section at the end of this survey to indicate other technologies not listed below)

Word Processors
 Integrated Learning System (e.g., Jostens, Writing to Read, etc.)
 Spreadsheets and Graphing
 Games (tutorial and basic skills development)
 Special Applications for Reading, Math, etc. (e.g., Accelerated Reader)
 Electronic Mail
 Presentation Software (e.g., PowerPoint, Hyperstudio)
 Kidspiration and/or Inspiration
 CD-Rom Encyclopedias
 Graphing Calculators
 Probes for data acquisition (temperature, mass, etc.)

Please choose words from the pulldown menu to complete the following statements

11. My students use technology primarily in settings.

12. I believe that my school's wired (i.e., not wireless) computer labs are

13. I have computers in my classroom

14. I used a wireless computer cart (or some of the laptop computers from a cart) in my school building.

The following questions deal with your own use of technology.

Please check all of the statements with which you agree --

15. I use technology applications such as word processors and spreadsheets to produce materials for use with my students
16. I use on-line (WWW) resources to find materials relevant to my curriculum
17. I use presentation software and hardware within my classroom
18. I use technology to maintain student records (e.g., grades, etc.)
19. I use technology to monitor student performance (e.g., electronic portfolios)
20. I use technology in specific ways to adapt instructional practices to meet the needs of diverse learners
21. I am aware of the district technology standards
22. I have been assisted in finding ways to integrate technology within my curriculum

23. I have received the most help integrating technology from someone in the following role:

24. I use a variety of teaching strategies which incorporate technology use:

25. The learning activities I develop require students to use technology.

26. How often do you check email?

27. I use email to (check all that apply):

 Communicate with Other Teachers/Administrators  
 Communicate with Parents  
 Communicate with Students  

28. Thinking back over the past year (i.e., from the 2001/2002 school year to the present), did you have the opportunity to seek out technical support with some aspect of your school's hardware or network?




29. If you answered "yes" above, please indicate the approximate percentage of the time that your support issue was resolved to your satisfaction:

30. In those cases where problems were NOT solved to your satisfaction, please indicate the most common cause of your dissatisfaction (additional comments can be entered below):

31. Also thinking back over the past year, have you attended a formal technology professional development workshop or class offered by the district?


32. If you answered "no" to this professional development question, please indicate your most common reason for not attending a workshop:

33. If you have additional comments you would like to add, you can use the following area to enter them. Please try to enter your text as a single paragraph (i.e., the fewer blank lines, the better).

Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 6/30/06