Hastings-on-Hudson UFSD
Teaching and Learning with Technology- Teacher Survey

Dear Hastings Teacher:

The following survey is part of the district's effort to assess how computer and information technology is currently used to support teaching and learning across the district. We realize that there are many different points of view and opinions related to how the district should implement its technology plan, and this survey is one way in which we will be gathering information on those varied opinions and experiences. In addition to this survey, we will also be visiting each school, observing teachers and students, and conducting teacher/administrator interviews.

In the following survey, we want to explore current practices with regard to various instructional technology tools and techniques. We also want to learn about how you currently perceive of the value of technology as a tool for improving student performance and achievement. Therefore, these questions ask about your beliefs and attitudes related to technology integration. Many of the questions are multiple choice, but we also have provided a space at the end of the survey for you to enter as much text as you might wish. Please feel free to use this text space to add any additional comments (positive or negative) you might wish.

We will analyze this survey's data in aggregate to determine an overall picture of uses and attitudes related to technology in Hastings-on-Hudson UFSD. We will not track the responses from individual respondents, and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

In each of the questions below that ask for an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you would like. The box will automatically scroll and your text will automatically wrap in the box.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Please select the role group that most closely matches your current position:

What grade level or subject do you teach?

In each of the questions below that ask for an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you would like. The box will automatically scroll and your text will automatically wrap in the box.

Technology Integration

If you are a classroom teacher, please answer the following questions based on what happens in your classroom or when your students work in the lab. If you are a specialist with building-level responsibilities (e.g., art, guidance, social worker, ) please respond based on your opinion for your building or setting.

1. Presently, using technology in my classroom/my school's lab means that... (complete the sentence/idea below):

2. Ideally, "technology integration" in my grade/subject area would look like:

3. Overall, my students’ use of technology meets this ideal for technology integration.

4. What would it take to make this a reality for your students (if it isn't already)?:

5. I am familiar with standards (local benchmarks, NYS Technology Standards, ISTE standards) related to student use of technology in the grade(s) I teach:

6. Overall, I believe that my students are prepared to meet these standards.

7. I feel personally responsible for helping my students meet these standards

Teacher Use of Technology

I use technology to support the following teaching tasks (please check "Yes" or if No, then enter a reason in the text box associated with each item).

8.Student records (grades, attendance, test score analysis, etc.)


9. Communication within the building


10. Communication within the district


11. Communication with parents


12.Access to online resources


13. Preparation of student materials (handouts, tests, etc.)


14. Presentation of material/content to students


15. Differentiating instruction


16. Other (please note here)

17. I am satisfied with my access to technology to support these tasks

18. I am satisfied with the technical support I receive to conduct these tasks

19. I am satisfied with my knowledge/training to conduct these tasks

20. I would like to participate in the following kinds of professional development to support my knowledge/skill development (please specify topics, delivery methods, frequencies, settings, etc):

Student Use of Technology

In my classroom/lab, my students use technology in the following ways in relation to their learning:

21. Researching/accessing information

22. Drafting, editing, supporting the writing process

23. Developing/constructing understanding

24. Communicating/presenting knowledge

25. Collaborating

26. Manipulating and analyzing data and information (math, science, etc.)
27. Designing/programming/authoring with multimedia tools

Additional Comments

Use this section to add clarification to any question, or to add any thoughts you might have on any aspect (positive or negative) of how instructional technology impacts your teaching and your students' learning. Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 10/12/07