Lakota Parent Survey

Dear Parent:

The following survey is part of the Lakota Local School District's effort to assess the progress of instructional technology initiatives across the district. By "instructional technology" we mean computers and computing devices as well as the various tools and networks to which they are attached in terms of their use for educational purposes.

We realize that there are many different points of view and opinions related to how the district should implement and support instructional technology, and this survey is part of a multi-faceted approach to gathering information on those varied opinions and experiences. In addition to this survey, our external evaluators - Sun Associates - will also be visiting each school, observing teachers and students, and conducting teacher/administrator/parent interviews. Data from this survey will be analyzed in aggregate to create an overall picture of technology use in Lakota schools for the purposes of district technology planning. Individual responses will not be tracked and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

Thank you in advance for your time and candid responses!

Please note that you should base your responses to this survey on just one school. If you wish to report responses for additional student(s), please complete additional surveys. You may complete as many surveys as you like.

What school does your student attend?

My student has access to a computing device (computer, digital tablet/iPad, smartphone, etc.) at home: yes no

My student has access to the Internet at home: yes no

In each of the questions below that asks for an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you like. The box will automatically expand as you type.

Please feel free to provide us with other information or elaborate on your responses by responding to Question 5 at the end of this survey.

1.Please describe something that you can recall your student doing with technology within the past year that you believe was particularly meaningful to his/her education/learning.

2. For each of the following items, please select your best estimate of the frequency that your student engages in the described sort of activity as a result of something that they have done in school. Use the space next to each frequency/item to provide an (optional) example of this activity and/or more detail on your response.

Practice Frequency Example (Optional)

My students uses technology to create original works and products (e.g., movies, presentations, digital media, etc.).

My student works collaboratively, using technology tools to communicate and share ideas and resources with fellow students and teachers in their own class.

My student works collaboratively, using technology tools and resources to communicate and share ideas and resources with students and teachers at a distance (i.e., in locations other than their own class).

My student uses digital tools to gather information and conduct research.

My student uses technology tools to explore concepts and solve problems.

3. For each of the following statements, please select the degree to which you agree with the statement. You may provide additional clarification or comments to any of your responses by entering those comments in Question 5, below.

Overall, I believe that my student is learning the things and skills that are important to his/her personal development.
My student demonstrates critical thinking skills by evaluating and selecting appropriate information resources.
My student demonstrates the ability to select among technology tools and applications appropriate to their learning tasks.
My student demonstrates an understanding of safe and ethical uses of technology.
My student demonstrates proficiency with technology tools and operations appropriate to their age/grade level.
My student currently has sufficient access to the technology they need to learn at school.
I believe that my student currently has ownership over his/her own learning.
I believe that my student's teacher successfully finds ways to modify and adjust instruction to fit my student's particular learning needs.
I feel that I am aware of the Lakota district's vision for technology's role in supporting student learning.

4. What could the district do, in your opinion, to improve the ways in which your student and his/her teachers utilize technology as a tool for learning?

5. Please use the space below to share any other thoughts, ideas or questions regarding technology use in Lakota Local Schools.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Last updated, September 22, 2012