SEEM Collaborative

Staff Technology Survey

The following survey is part of the Collaborative's effort to assess the current status of instructional technology and its implementation in the Collaborative's classrooms and facilities. The goal of this survey is to document where the Collaborative is presently in its use and implementation of technology. This data will be a baseline for future technology planning and goal-setting.

All SEEM staff who participate in skill development activities with students should complete this survey.

Your responses are totally confidential and anonymous. This survey does not track the identity of any individual respondent.

The following questions are designed solely to categorize your survey --

Choose your program's name.

Choose your role or title.

Other program or role:

Approximate or estimated percentage of your time teaching students

1.Please list/describe the opportunities your students have to use technology during a typical school day:

2. Please describe how you use technology in your practice on a typical day.

3. Typically, my students use technology to:


If "Yes", Please Provide An Example From Your Classroom

Check this box if you have received training in supporting this student use of technology

a. Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes.

b. Communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

c. Gather, evaluate, and use information.

d. Utilize critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions.

My students have an understanding of the human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology, and practice legal and ethical behavior.

My students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.


4. As a teacher, I typically use technology to:


If "Yes", Please Provide An Example of How You Have Done This In Your Practice

Check this box if you have received training in this teacher use of technology

a. Present lessons that engage students in creatively exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems

b. Create formative and summative assessments

c. Work collaboratively with other teachers/practitioners

d. Promote and model the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology

e. Differentiate instruction (e.g. Universal Design)

f. Modify and adapt instructional activities via the use of assistive and adaptive technology

g. Participate in local and global learning communities related to my professional practice

h. Collect data (e.g., using DataTracker, Excel, etc.) for IEPs and/or to inform instruction

5. Please rate your students’ – and your own – skills in the following:


Student Skill

Teacher Skill

a. Creating text documents using a word processor (e.g., MS Word, an Alphasmart, etc.)

b. Creating presentations (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi)

c. Developing spreadsheets (e.g., Excel)

d. Conducting WWW-based research (e.g., using search engines such as Google)

e. Evaluating information sources for quality, accuracy, bias, points of view, etc.

f. Using technology as a tool for online collaboration (e.g., Prezi, Skype)

6. I believe the SEEM adminstration could help support technology integration in the following ways:

7. I am satisfied with my access to reliable technology at school.

How could this access and/or reliability be improved?

8. I am satisfied with the responsiveness of my technology technical support.

How could technical support be improved?

9. How do you typically generate ideas for integrating technology in the classroom?

10. Beyond what you currently do, what do you envision using technology (e.g., computers, iPads, tablets, interactive white boards, etc.) within your practice?

If you have additional comments you would like to share, please use the following area to enter them.

Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 5/2/12