Data Collection for TAH Project Evaluation -- Session Reflection

Thank you for taking a few minutes to respond to this brief evaluation survey. Your input will help us produce better professional development for the TAH project community.

1. What is your role in your current TAH project (check all that apply) :

Project Director

Higher Education Faculty Member

School District Staff

Museum/Historical Association Staff

Independent Consultant

TAH Project Evaluator

Current Classroom Teacher

Other (write in Question 5, below)

2. What year was your current TAH project funded?

3. What was your main/primary "take-away" from the TAH Data Collection workshop? That is, what did you learn about or benefit from this session?

4. Is there anything additional you would have liked to have learned about TAH evaluation?

5. Is there anything else you would you would like to communicate about this workshop session?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated, 1/8/08