Making Freedom - Technology Workshop Participant Evaluation Survey

The following survey is intended to gather data on your impressions and opinions following participation in the Documenting American History workshop. The data collected through this survey will be held confidential and will be reported in aggregate as an assessment of the overall program. Thank you for your time and input!

Please select your district:

What grade level do you teach?

Please select your subject area (select the option that closest matches your current assignment)

1. What was the most valuable aspect of today’s technology session? Why?

2. What new or different ways have you thought about – as a result of this session – for engaging your students with historical content?

3. What advantages, if any, do the techniques discussed today have over the way you have covered this historical content in the past?

4. How likely are you to implement the ideas/techniques covered today this school year? (if not likely this year, would you do it next year?)

5. What barriers, if any, might exist to your implementing this idea (at some point in your current school)?

6. Do you have any additional comments about any aspect of this seminar, or about the Making History project in general?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 11/5/09