Essex LINCs - Teaching American History Project
Participant Survey

The following survey is intended to help the Essex LINCs project better understand the make-up of its participant population. This will enable us to create and refine programs that most ideally fit your needs.

We will analyze this data in aggregate to determine an overall picture of the group of project participants. We will not track the responses from individual participants, and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

Please select your district:

What grade level do you teach?

Please select your subject area (select the option that closest matches your current assignment)

1. Do you have a graduate degree in education?
Yes No

2. Do you have a graduate degree (Masters, PhD) degree in a subject other than education?
Yes No

If you answered “YES” to #2 above, please indicate your degrees and concentrations below (e.g., M.A. in History, Teaching, etc.).

3. How many years of classroom teaching experience do you have?

4. Considering the following list, please indicate whether each of these factors were "important" or "not important" to you in terms of motivating you to participate in the project.



Not important



a) Availability of PDPs


b) Availability of Graduate Credits


c) Availability of a stipend
d) Request by my district that I participate in this project

e) Improving My Knowledge of U.S. History Content

f) Improving My Skills in Teaching U.S. History or Social Studies


g) Access to primary sources and other teaching materials



h) Access to High Quality Professional Development


i) Other (describe in the space below)

5. Do you have classroom access to the Internet in your school? (i.e., Can you and/or your students access web-based content in your classroom?)

Yes No

For each of the following, please select the degree to which you agree with the statement using the scale to the right of the question.


Strongly Disagree





Strongly Agree

6. I believe that I have sufficient knowledge and skills to use instructional technology as a tool for teaching and learning.

7. I believe that I have sufficient technical resources in my school to use technology as a significant part of my students’ learning process.

8. I believe that I have sufficient knowledge and skills to conduct research on topics related to American history.
9. I believe that I have sufficient knowledge and skills to teach my students how to conduct research in American history.

10. Briefly, what do you hope to be able to gain from your participation this year in the Essex LINCs project?

Additional Comments

If you have additional comments you would like to add, you can use the following area to enter them. Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 10/2/08