Pathways to American History - Film Series Evaluation

The following information will help to evaluate this project’s services and activities.  Your input is critical to the formative evaluation of this project.  Thank you for your time!

I am a classroom teacher: yes no

Grade level:

I am currently teaching American History or Social Studies: yes no

I am a participant in the Story of America TAH project: yes no

Please respond to each of the following questions with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the project. Thank you!

1. Has this film series improved your understanding of American history content? Meaning, what SPECIFICALLY have you learned from this film series about American History that you did not know before

2. Please describe any skills you may have acquired through this film series related to the use of source material for teaching history.

3. 3. What impacts will this film series have on your teaching?

4. Considering all four film sessions, which meeting and/or film was most meaningful to your teaching and why?

Prince Among Slaves (2008)

The Long Walk: Tears of the Navajo (2007)

Sacco and Vanzetti (2007)

Made in L.A. (2007)

5. Any additional comments about any aspect of the film series, or the Pathways to American History project in general?

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Last updated, 12/4/07