Emerging America: Windows on History Workshop Participant Evaluation

We are interested in knowing how well the Windows on History workshops have prepared you to create websites to support the teaching of American history/Social Studies. Please respond to the following with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the development of future sessions. Thank you!

I am a Teacher of American history/ Social Studies: yes no

I am a technology specialist in my school or district yes no

Grade level:

1. Thinking about the overall purpose of Windows on History, would you recommend the use of student-created local history websites to your American history/social studies teacher colleagues? Why or why Not?

2. Please describe how the techniques presented in the Windows on History workshops will support your work as a teacher of American history/social studies.

3. Please comment on the ways that Windows on History will impact your ability to use primary sources, historical thinking skills, and historical research in the classroom.

4. What have you found to be the most useful part of today's Window on History workshop?

5. In what ways do you feel that the Windows on History component of the Emerging America project has addressed the project's overall goal of improving your knowledge of traditional American history and skill in historical thinking and practice.

6. For each of the following resources associated with the Windows on History project, please indicate (with the pull down menu options) the frequency with which you made use of each resource this project year:

Consultation with Emerging America project staff on technical issues (e.g., website creation, HTML, hosting, posting, etc.)
Consultation with Emerging America project staff on historical content issues (e.g., gaining access to local sources, locating sources, etc.)
Consultation with/visits to local history associations
Consultation with University of Massachusetts History Department faculty
Consultation with fellow Windows on History participants not in your school or district
Other (indicate in space below)

7. Any other comments about your experience today, or in general with the Emerging America project?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

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Last updated, 2/12/08