Please note that this survey is intended to be anonymous. Your responses will serve only to form a composite picture of this seminarÕs participant population.

1. Do you have a graduate (Masters, PhD, etc.) degree? (circle your response below)


2. If you answered ÒYESÓ to #1 above, please indicate your degrees and concentrations below (e.g., M.A. in History, Teaching, etc.). If you have more than one graduate degree, please list all in the space below.

3. How many years of classroom teaching experience do you have? Please indicate the cumulative total below.


4. Please indicate the grade(s) you CURRENTLY teach: (circle your response(s) below)

            1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11 12 non K-12

5. Do you currently teach American History or Social Studies? (circle your response below)

            YES                            NO (please indicate your subject area in the space below)

6. Are you a school or district administrator? (circle your response below)

            YES                            NO

7. Using the scale below, please indicate the importance to you of each of the following components of the Pursuing Justice project. Please select only one number/ranking per component!:



(not important to me)





(important to me)


(most important to me)



Graduate Credits


U.S. History Content




ÒMy school/district wanted me to do thisÓ


8. Do you have classroom access to the Internet in your school? (i.e., Can you and/or your students access web-based content in your classroom?)

            YES                NO

9. Approximately how frequently do you teach a History/Social Studies classroom activity or lesson that uses Internet-based resources (e.g., WWW sites, web-based video, etc.). Check the appropriate box:

____ Never _____ Once or twice a year ____ Several times a semester

______Monthly ____ More often than monthly (indicate frequency below)

Please rate the following items with a number from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree):

Please circle only one rating for each item.









Strongly Agree

10. I believe that I have sufficient knowledge and skills to use instructional technology to make a positive impact on my studentsÕ learning.


11. I believe that I have sufficient technical resources in my school to use technology as a significant part of my studentsÕ learning process.


12. I feel confident in my ability to effectively use the Internet as a research tool.


13. I believe that the majority of my students have the skills necessary to effectively use the Internet for History/Social Studies-related research.


Thank You For Your Time and Input!