History Connected : Professional Development Participant Reflection

We are interested in knowing your feedback about the History Connected professional development session you recently attended. Please select the title of the session you are evaluating from the pull down list below and then respond to the open-ended questions with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the development of future sessions. Thank you!

I currently teach American history/ Social Studies: yes no

Grade level:

My level of participation in History Connected is

The session I am evaluating (completing this form for) is:

1. Overall, how has this seminar impacted your understanding of its featured topic? Please provide specific examples in your explanation.

2. In what ways did the content presented in this seminar impact how you might teach this topic?

3. As a general overview of this year's program (i.e., not related to just the single session you were evaluating in the previous 2 questions) please review the list of professional development sessions (click here for the list which will open up as a PDF file in a separate window...come back to this window to continue with the survey)

a. What offering was most useful for you as a learner?

b. Using the following table, please rate each item (from the list of professional development offerings on the left). Please choose a unique rating for each item.

Most Valuable
Least Valuable
Published Lesson Plans/Materials
Field Trips
Modeling of Specific Lessons
Technology Integration/Modeling

Why did you provide the ratings you did? (please provide as much detail as you'd like)

4. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in this seminar or about the History Connected project in general?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated, 5/5/11