Encounters and Exchanges in American History: Year Two Professional Development Options Survey

During Year One, Encounters & Exchanges in U.S. History offered a variety of professional development activities. Your answers to the questions below will help determine the offerings for Year Two.

Grade level:

1. What the most important factors for your participation in grant activities? Select all that apply:

Increasing my American history content knowledge via workshop offerings
Improving my teaching (pedagogy) skills via workshop offerings
Timing of the workshops
Graduate credit
Graduage credit toward a specific degree program

Other (please describe in the space below)

2. What types of grant activities are you most interested in? Select all that apply.

Content-based institutes/seminars
Historical Thinking-based institutes/seminars (analysis of primary sources, understanding of bias, forming questions through inquiry)
Content and pedagogy based institutes and seminars
History book discussion study groups
Mini-Grants for unit development
Field trips to historic sites, museums and archives
Information technology in history workshops
Information management/historical research workshops

Other (please describe in the space below)

3. When wil you attend grant activities? Select all that apply.

After-school seminars once a month
After-school seminars twice a month
During the school day (with substitute coverage)
During the summer (5 day institute)
During the summer ( 7 - 10 day institute)
On Saturdays every other month
On Saturdays once a month
On Saturdays twice a month

Other (please describe in the space below)

4. How have you used or plan to use the Encounters & Exchanges in U.S. History website

For information regarding workshop offerings
For dates and times of activities
For contact information
For Internet resources
For the blog of activities and updates
For lesson plans, primary sources and handouts from grant activities
I have never accessed the Encounters & Exchanges website
I do not plan to access the Encounters & Exchanges website

Other (please describe in the space below)

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated,3/9/07