History Connected -- Teaching American History Project
Technology Workshop Participant Evaluation

Dear Project Participant:

In an effort to provide professional development that best meets participant needs, we would like to obtain some follow-up information from you regarding the Presenting History: Technological Applications for Student Presentations workshop you attended on January 11 or 12. Your feedback will be used to improve future sessions for the History Connected project.

Thank you in advance for your time!

I am a Teacher of American history/ Social Studies: yes no

Grade level:

My level of participation in History Connected is

1. What aspects of this workshop will you be able to integrate into your classroom instruction?

2. In what ways to you believe the use of PhotoStory will support the development of historical thinking skills among your students?

3. We are interested in understanding what barriers may exist to teachers being able to use the skills taught in the technology workshop. Please check the box next to all statements that DO apply to you and your situation:

I have access to a digital camera for school use

I have access to the web for locating and downloading images

I have access to Photostory (or equivalent program such as Photoshop) at home or at school

I have access to a computer at school that will run Photostory/Photoshop or equivalent software

My students have access to computers at school that will run Photostory/Photoshop or equivalent software

I have access to the presentation tools necessary to run a slideshow

I am comfortable with the software, but don’t have access to it

I am comfortable with the software, but it doesn’t mesh with what I do in the classroom

I have no time to devote to creating slideshows and virtual books

I’m not sufficiently comfortable with these tools to start using them

No barriers; I have everything I need to start creating slideshows, etc.

No barriers; I have already implemented what I learned at the workshop.

If you checked this last box (meaning that you are already using this technology), please describe in detail the impact of using these tools in the classroom:

Additional Comments

Use this section to clarify any of your answers above or to share any thoughts you may have about this workshop and/or instructional technology and teaching.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 1/11/10