Encounters and Exchanges in American History: Year 2 Annual Conference Evaluation

We are interested in knowing how well the Encounters and Exchanges Annual Conference can support your teaching of American history/Social Studies. Please respond to the following with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the development of future sessions. Thank you!

I am a Teacher of American history/ Social Studies: yes no

Grade level:

My level of participation in Encounters and Exchanges is

1. Encounters and Exchanges aims to improve teachers' knowledge and use of American history content. How would you assess the Annual Conference in light of this goal? Please be specific as to conference activities/sessions.

2. If you feel that your teaching practice will change as a result of experiences you have had at this conference, please describe how...

3. What suggestions can you make for improving the conference/workshops next time?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

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Last updated, 4/17/08