History Connected : Professional Development Participant Reflection

We are interested in knowing your feedback about the History Connected professional development sessions (seminars, book discussion groups, field trips) this year. Please respond to the open-ended questions with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the on-going improvement and overall assessment of the History Connected program. Thank you!

I currently teach American history/ Social Studies: yes no

Grade level:

My level of participation in History Connected is

Including the current project year, how many years total have you been a participant in the History Connected project?

1. Overall, what have you found in this year's sessions that you believe will be helpful to you in your teaching of American HIstory. Please provide specific examples in your explanation.

2. How would you improve the content and format of the sessions?

3. In what ways have you been able to integrate this year's theme of "U.S. History in a Global Context" into your classroom instruction?

4. What challenges do you face in your work to integrate into your classroom the content knowledge and pedagogical practices acquired from your History Connected experience?

5. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in the History Connected project in general?

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Last updated, 4/25/12