The Story of America - Teaching American History Project
Participant Survey

The following survey is designed to provide information for assist the LIFT project in creating professional development opportunities that are most closely suited to your needs. We want to discover your current comfort level with regard to various instructional technology tools and techniques as well as learn about how you currently perceive of the value of technology as a tool for improving student performance and achievement. Therefore, these questions ask about your beliefs and attitudes related to technology integration, and a bit about your current technology skills. We will analyze this data in aggregate to determine an overall picture of the group of Institute participants. We will not track the responses from individual participants, and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

Please select your district:

What grade level do you teach?

Please select your subject area (select the option that closest matches your current assignment)

Technology's Impacts on Teaching and Learning

The following statements are intended to gauge your opinions about how technology impacts students and their work. Please check all of the following statements with which you agree --

My students use technology to develop mastery of basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics, etc.)
My students use technology to become more critical thinkers
My students use technology to access, integrate, and analyze information relevant to interdisciplinary problems
My students use technology as a tool for self-directed learning
My students use technology to solve relevant, real-life, problems
My students use technology to discover concepts and prove relationships
My students use technology tools in ways that parallel and model the way that technology is used in the world of work
My students use a high degree of personal judgment when choosing and applying technology tools in their learning activities

Teacher and Student Use of Specific Technologies

Please indicate which technologies you typically use for personal (and professional) productivity and/or in instructional settings. If you do not use the particular technology at all, please indicate that by choosing the last button in the row --

  I use this technology for personal and professional productivity My students use this technology in the course of completing work for classes I teach/work that I assign I don't use this, nor do I expect my students to use it for work that I assign
Word Processors
Networked File Storage/Sharing on the School/District Local Area Network
Laptop Computers      
Handheld Devices (Palms, etc.)      
Integrated Learning System (e.g., Lexia, Plato, etc.)
Spreadsheets and Graphing
Games (tutorial and basic skills development)
Special Applications for Reading, Math, etc. (e.g., Accelerated Reader)
Electronic Mail
World Wide Web/Internet-based Reference Tools
Presentation Software (e.g., PowerPoint, Hyperstudio)
Presentation Hardware (e.g., inFocus, etc.)
Concept Mapping Tools (e.g., Inspiration/Kidspiration)
Graphing Calculators
Probes for data acquisition (temperature, pH, etc.)

Technology Integration Practices

Please respond to the following yes/no and short answer questions:

I expect my students to use a variety of online, curriculum-specific, resources in their work (you may name specific resources in the "Additional Comments" space at the end of this survey)
I know what it means to "differentiate" instruction.
I employ differentiated instruction strategies routinely in my curriculum design work
I feel that I have considerable freedom in designing and implementing instructional units
I am able to identify the particular curriculum framework standards being addressed by all activities/units I create

Please complete the following sentences...

I know that my students are highly engaged in their learning experiences when I see:

The main thing I want to accomplish through my work in this project is:

Teacher Leadership and Collaboration

I currently work in a "leadership" position in my school/district in terms of curriculum and/or instruction (e.g., department head, team leader, teacher mentor, etc.)
I feel confident developing new curriculum and instructional strategies and in sharing what I develop with other teachers in my school/district.
I feel comfortable when offering constructive criticism of my peers' professional work
I feel comfortable when my peers' offer constructive criticism of my professional work
At least several times a year, I collaborate with other teachers in my school to develop and teach curriculum-based instructional units.

Additional Comments

If you have additional comments you would like to add, you can use the following area to enter them. Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 3/18/05