Idea of Freedom -- 2014 Online Course Participant Feedback

As part of the evaluation for the Idea of Freedom Teaching American History project, we are interested in knowing about your experience in the TEC online course that you have recently completed. Please respond to Questions 1 - 5 with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to TEC's on-going efforts to develop high quality professional development. Thank you.

I currently teach American History or Social Studies: yes no

Grade level:

Please select the name of the course you have just completed (this is the course upon which your feedback should be based)

1. What "big ideas" or themes or content did this course address that was new to you?

2. Building on your answer to Question 1, above, please describe how these big ideas, themes, or content will impact your teaching.

3. Please describe how your experience in this course has helped you in your work to develop historical thinking skills in your students..

4. Please describe how your experience in this course will impact the resources, local history and/or technology you use in your teaching?

5. Please describe your experience with the format of this online course (consider logistics, pacing, instructor, expectations, etc.).

6. Is there anything else you would like to communicate about your experience in this course?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Last updated, March 13, 2014