The Idea of Freedom -- Professional Development Participant Reflection

We are interested in your feedback about the Idea of Freedom's professional development sessions that you recently attended. Please respond to the following six open-ended questions with as much detail as you can provide. Your input is critical to the development of future Idea of Freedom program offerings. Thank you!

Are you a teacher of American history/ Social Studies? yes no

Grade level:

1. How do your students show you that they use and understand historical thinking skills?

2. Please describe something that you have "taken away" from Idea of Freedom professional development that has helped you develop historical thinking skills in your students.

3. Please indicate (by selecting a choice from the pull-down lists) the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements:

The Idea of Freedom professional development models the types of teaching that are useful for developing student historical thinking skills.
I use the Idea of Freedom online presence (website, wiki, etc.) to find and develop ideas useful for my classroom teaching.
The Idea of Freedom professional development is clearly aligned to the Massachusetts History and Social Science frameworks.
The Idea of Freedom project has made a positive impact on MY students' achievement in American History.

4. To what extent was this year's project theme - "The 20th Century Republic: Human Rights at Home and Abroad" - useful to the curriculum you teach? Please provide some examples of how this theme was reflected in your instructional activities.

5. How do you incorporate essential questions and enduring understandings in your teaching of American history?

6. Is there anything else you'd like the Idea of Freedom project staff to know?

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Revised - April 9, 2013