The Idea of Freedom
Teaching and Learning with Technology -- Teacher Survey

Dear Idea of Freedom Participant:

The following survey is part of our project's effort to assess how project participants currently use computer and information technology to support teaching and learning. This data will be used solely for project planning purposes. Our intention is to develop an understanding of your current skills and access so that we can create realistic expectations for how the project uses instructional technology within its program of work.

In the following survey, we want to discover your current comfort level with regard to various instructional technology tools and techniques. We also want to learn about how you currently perceive of the value of technology as a tool for improving student performance and achievement. Therefore, these questions ask about your beliefs and attitudes related to technology integration, and a bit about your current technology skills. Many of the questions are multiple choice, but we also have provided a space at the end of the survey for you to enter as much text as you might wish. Please feel free to use this text space to add any additional comments (positive or negative).

Thank you in advance for your time!

Please select the role group that most closely matches your current position:

Please select the grade level you currently teach:

Please let us know approximately how long you have been teaching:

I teach in:

Please Note -- For the purposes of this survey, "technology" is defined to be information technology such as computers (desktop, laptop, handheld), networks, software, and the various devices (e.g., Smartboards, digital projectors, assistive/adaptive devices, etc.) attached to computers. We specifically are not including non-computer technologies such as overhead projectors and VCRs.

Teacher Technology Proficiencies

For each of the following 13 questions, please choose what you believe to be your level of proficiency from the pull down menu to the right of the question. Please choose your proficiency level even if you do not currently have access to the technology (equipment, software, etc.) being discussed.

1. I am able to create presentations using a tool such as PowerPoint
2. I am able to use email to send and receive email. I can send and receive email attachments (files). I can send emails to multiple addresses. I can forward email.
3. I understand basic WWW concepts such as servers, browsers, etc.
4. I am able to make use of WWW search engines (e.g., Google) to find online information and resources. I can use advanced searching features (e.g., boolean operators such as "and" or "not"). I am familiar with specific educational web sites and I can bookmark my favorite sites.
5. I am able to create web pages using web-authoring software or an online web page building service.
6. I am able to create a wiki using an online wiki-building service such as Wikispaces.
7.I am able to create a blog using an online blog service such as Edublog.
8.I am able to create a podcast using an online podcast service.
9.I am able to use social media/Web 2.0 resources such as Twitter, bookmark sharing (e.g., Diigo), and/or Ning for educational purposes.
10. I am able to use devices such as digital cameras and scanners to capture, save, and manipulate digital images. I can transfer digital images into a variety of software applications (e.g., word processors, presentation software).
11. I am able to use a laptop as a professional tool. I am able to connect a laptop to the Internet.
12. I am able to use sound and video devices such has digital video cameras, microphones, disc recorders, etc.
13. I can store or share large files using flash drives or a cloud service such as Dropbox.

Use of Specific Technologies

For each of the following 11 questions, please indicate the approximate frequency with which you use and/or assign the use of the following technologies. We only want you to consider those technologies that you and your students use at school.

14. I use word processing to create or plan classroom activities
15. I use the Internet to locate and/or download professional resources (e.g., lesson plans, curriculum ideas, etc.)
16. I have my students work in small groups to complete activities that require the use of technology
17. I have my students use technology to complete work products or performance tasks that demonstrate mastery of specific content standards
18. I have my students use the Internet to complete a research project or assignment
19. I integrate online activities such as WebQuests or tours of websites into classroom activities
20. I have my students post information to a web page as part of a classroom activity or project
21. I have my students use multimedia devices such as digital cameras or scanners as part of classroom activities
22. I have my students use laptop computers, iPads, smartphones or other portable computing devices during classroom activities or projects
23. I review with my students the rules for acceptable use of technology as well as strategies to avoid plagiarism
24. I use technology (i.e., email or a class web page) to communicate with students and/or parents about homework assignments, classroom events, etc.)

Your Perceptions of Technology's Impact on Teaching and Learning

The following statements are intended to gauge your opinions about how students use technology either at school, at home (or both). Please check all of the following statements with which you agree. Leave blank any with which you do not agree.



Seldom/ Never
25. My students use technology to develop mastery of basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics, etc.)
26. My students use technology to become more critical thinkers
27. My students use technology to access, integrate, and analyze information relevant to interdisciplinary problems
28. My students use technology as a tool for self-directed learning
29. My students use technology to solve relevant, real-life, problems
30. My students use technology to discover concepts and prove relationships
31. My students use technology tools in ways that parallel and model the way that technology is used in the world of work
32. My students use a high degree of personal judgment when choosing and applying technology tools in their learning activities

My Access to Technology at School

Please indicate whether you have (yes) or do not have (no) access to the following technology tools in your school. Please check "no" if you do not know whether or not you have the item listed.

33. Networked computer in your classroom for teacher use
34. Networked computer(s) in your classroom for student use (distinct from the teacher use machine identified above)
35.Classroom-level access to the Internet/WWW
36. Digital projector
37. Digital Camera
38. Digital video camera
39.Presentation tools (such as PowerPoint)
40.Web-authoring software (for creating websites, wikis, blogs)
41.Graphics software (e.g., Photoshop, Fireworks, etc.)
42. Audio editing software (e.g., CoolEdit, etc.)
43. Video editing software (e.g., iMovie, Movie Maker, Final Cut, Quicktime Pro)
44. Wireless laptops (i.e., a laptop cart) or iPads for student use
45. Wired lab of computers for student use (i.e., a computer lab)
46. Smartboards (interactive whiteboard, Promethian Board, etc.)
47. LCD/computer projectors (i.e., Infocus projector)
48. Access to an Instructional Technology Specialist (someone who can assist with instructional issues related to integrating technology) during the course of your teaching day

Additional Comments

Use this section to add clarification to any question, or to add any thoughts you might have on any aspect (positive or negative) of how instructional technology impacts your teaching and your students' learning. You may also use this section to add clarifying comments from any of your above responses (e.g., what "other" role you may fill in your school).

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Survey Form Updated 9/30/11