The Idea of Freedom : Professional Development Participant Reflection

We are interested in your feedback about your experience in the Idea of Freedom project to-date. The following seven open-ended questions are intended to gather your input on how the project has impacted your teaching and professional practice. Therfore, please respond to thequestions with as much detail as you can provide. You may type as much as you'd like for each question. The text box expands and wraps as you type.

As always, your input is critical to the development of future Idea of Freedom program offerings. Thank you!

Are you a teacher of American history/ Social Studies? yes no

Grade level:

Project experience:

1. What’s been the highlight of your Idea of Freedom experience thus far…and why?

2. If a student were to repeat the class you are currently teaching, next school year, what changes would they notice based on your current experience in the Idea of Freedom project?

3. To what extent do the project content and themes map to the framework strands within your curriculum? Please provide some examples.

4. How useful have you found the sessions in this this year’s project as far as offering assistance with pedagogy that you can use?

5. How do you feel about the balance between content and pedagogy exhibited in the sessions?

6. What’s your opinion on the project’s website and/or wiki?  Do you use these resources, and how might they be improved?

7. Is there anything else that you would like to share about your Idea of Freedom experience that has not come up in this discussion?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

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Revised - 1/21/12