USS & RC STEMcon -- Fall 2014 Participant Evaluation Survey

Hello 2014 STEMcon Participants!

The following survey is intended to gather information on how this past summer's STEMcon experience has impacted your teaching experience since you've returned from USS & RC. As with all of our evaluation surveys, we will not track the responses from individual participants, and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

For each of the open-response questions below, please type as much as you would like. The text will automatically wrap and the box will expand as needed.

Thank you for your time. As always, your input is valued and appreciated.

Background Information

Please select the state in which you teach/work:

What grade level do you teach?

Please select your subject area (select the option that closest matches your current assignment)


1. Please provide an example of how you have used your STEMcon experience to address science and/or math and/or STEM standards.

2. To what extent and in what ways have you connected with other STEMcon educators since you returned home?

3. How have you interacted with the staff at USS & RC or NASA following your experience at STEMcon?

4. Please estimate the number of fellow educators you have communicated with about your STEMcon experience since you’ve returned home (consider all forms of communication including sharing ideas with colleagues, presenting to staff, posting on social media, etc).

5. From the following list, please select any actions you have engaged in since your return from STEMcon (select all that apply):

Used a lesson provided by the USS & RC resource center

Used a lesson provided by the MSFC NASA Education Office
Taught a lesson that I experienced at STEMcon
Taught a lesson adapted from an experience at STEMcon
Accessed NASA online resources for/with my students
Connected with a fellow STEMcon teacher

6. Overall, what has been the impact thus far of your STEMcon experience on your students?(Please be as specific as possible, providing names of activities, specific ways that you've used materials, etc.)

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Information on this site that has been produced by Sun Associates is Copyright 2014 Sun Associates and is available for individual, one-time, use by educators. Duplication is prohibited without permission. All other material is the property of its authors and Sun Associates makes no warranty for its use or accuracy.

Survey Form Updated 10/27/14