Classroom Activity Planning Template

Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

Central High School -- St. Croix, USVI

Description of the Proposed Classroom Activity:

Internet Research
Tourism Festival

Student Learning Objectives::
(What is the purpose of this activity? What sorts of student dispositions and/or attitudes will this activity support? How does this activity impact student interactions with others?)

The purpose of this activity is to allow the students to understand the importance of tourism and its economic, social, political, educational and environmental impact on our community. Students will also develop a wholesome attitude towards others at an early age, so that they will be able to embrace tourism as a business and an important aspect of this community. Student will develop appreciation and tolerance of people from different cultures. This activity will promote collaboration and cooperation among others.

Specific Curriculum Objectives::
(How does this activity support particular curriculum objectives, framework elements, etc.?)

(How do you plan to assess student achievement of learning objectives? Rubrics, indicators, etc.?)

Completion of a brochure and a tourism festival. Displaying of students end product.

Technology to be used in this activity:
(State why this particular technology will be used)

Student will use various software to produce a final brochure.


1. Desktop Publishing ( Page Maker 5.0 )
2. Claris Works
1. Internet
2. CD-Rom

Non-technology resources or materials to be used in this activity:
(e.g., books, original sources, manipulatives, etc.)

Interviews, Books, Journals / Magazines

Time necessary to complete this activity:
(Class days required, start to finish)

Nine weeks - One marking period

Ideas for extended activities:
(How might this particular activity be extended to cover other curriculum units? If time were available, how might you expand this activity?)

Take an interdisciplinary approach.

What professional development is necessary to do your project and where will this come from?

a. faculty meeting presentation
b. follow up workshops ( in house and outside )

What additional technological resources are necessary to accomplish your project?

Internet access completion

What changes are necessary in your school for your project to become successful?

Faculty, staff, and students need to have a greater access to computers.
There need to be an attitude change towards the benefit of technology.

How many teachers will take part in this activity?

Two teachers from each discipline will take part for a total of fourteen .

Who is the targeted audience?

Students from all different grade levels ( 9 - 12 )

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