Classroom Activity Planning Template

Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

Charles Emanuel Elementary School, St. Croix USVI

Description of the Proposed Classroom Activity :

Environmental Connections Project is targeted at K -3rd. This particular unit will be geared to the 3rd grade but will be adapted to the lower grades. We will start out the school year with the unit Weather with a great concentration on Hurricanes.

Student Learning Objectives ::

Students will
* Research the weather using the library and Internet
* Measure, record, and analyze weather data using spreadsheets.
* Write daily journals of the weather using AlphaSmart Keyboards
* Develop map skills using wall maps,atlas(traditional/electronic)
* Communicate and share information with other students internationally & locally

This activity will support traditional linear learning, as well as collaborative student oriented learning. It will support the multiple learning styles.
Cooperative learning will be encouraged.

Specific Curriculum Objectives :

Assessment :

Compare the quantity and quality of their writings.
Create rubrics to measure computer skills.
Administer a pre & post attitude survey.

Technology to be used in this activity :
(State why this particular technology will be used)

Multimedia Computer -
Word processing to encourage students to write more and thus improve their writing skills.
Spreadsheet - To develop math skills to organize, analyze and present data.
CD ROM- Provide other medium for research
E-mail- to encourage communication and sharing ideas
WWW- to communicate with the expert
Digital Camera - to document weather events
Quick Cam - Presentation
HyperStudio/Kid Pix/Slide Show - Presentation

Non-technology resources or materials to be used in this activity :
(e.g., books, original sources, manipulative, etc.)

Science Lab

Time necessary to complete this activity
(Class days required, start to finish)

6 weeks

Staff development -- Who will do it

The school Tech Committee ... J. Keenan, P. Phillip, R. Kowalski, District Tech Support

What additional technology -

ETAN, AlphaSmart, Additional Computers,

What changes-

Get more computers in the classrooms,
More professional development for teachers and trainers
Encourage attitude change towards technology

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