VTCite Summer Institute
2008 Participant Survey

The following survey is intended to provide the Institute organizers with information on the background and needs of institute participants. As you answer the following questions, please do so as completely as possible based on your current experience.

Responses will be analyzed in aggregate to enable the organizers to fine-tune future program offerings, particularly other project professional development sessions. Individual responses will remain anonymous.

Please enter the name of your district in the space below:

Please select your role in your school/district (select that which closest matches):

Please select the subject areas that you teach from the table below (select all that apply, and leave blank if you do not teach)

English Language Arts Science
Math Social Studies
Technology Other (write in below)

Please select the grade level in which you work (select that which closest matches):

1. Please describe your current level of comfort related to each of the following pedagogy/curriculum topics.
By "comfort" we mean the degree to which you feel that you understand the topic and could apply it in some manner to your teaching/work.

Project/Inquiry Based Learning
Understanding by Design
21st Century Skills/NETS
Differentiated Instruction
Developing Essential Questions

2. What, in your own words is "Web 2.0"?

3. How will you use technology tools - e.g., blogging, Riverdeep, VTCite - to support and continue your work started at this Institute?

4. Please reflect on how effective you feel the balance between pedagogy and technology was in this Institute.
What worked well? What could have been done better?

5. What challenges do you expect to encounter when attempting to teach the curriculum unit that you have developed at this week's Institute?

6. Please share any other impressions you may have about the Institute or your experience with this project thus far.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 8/6/08