Westwood Parent Survey

Dear Parent:

The following survey is part of the Westwood Public School District's effort to assess the progress of instructional technology initiatives in all Westwood schools. There are many different points of view and opinions related to technology resource allocation, use, and impact, and this survey is one way of gathering information on those varied opinions and experiences. Students, teachers, and administrators will also be surveyed, and focus groups have been conducted recently as a means of gathering more in-depth information on how technology impacts student learning and teacher work.

Data from this survey will be analyzed in aggregate to create an overall picture of technology use in Westwood schools for the purposes of district technology planning. Individual responses will not be tracked and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

Thanks in advance for your time and candid responses,

Which school does your student attend:

Please note that you should base your responses to this survey on just one school. If you wish to report responses for additional student(s) attending different schools, please complete additional surveys. You may complete as many surveys as you like.

In each of the questions below that asks for an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you like. The box will automatically expand as you type.

Please feel free to provide us with other information or elaborate on your resposes by filling in the Additional Comments field at the end of this survey.

1.Please describe something that you can recall your student doing with technology this year that you believe was particularly meaningful.

2. More broadly, what in your opinion is the main value that technology brings to your student's learning?

3. Do you believe that your student’s teacher has the skills necessary to utilize technology as an effective tool for teaching?

(Note that if your student is in secondary school - Thurston or the HS - you should answer this question about her/his teachers in general and if you wish you can provide additional and specific details in the Additional Comments field at the end of this survey.)



I don't know

4. Please list the technologies or tech-related skills that you feel are important for your student to be able to use as part of his/her education, and why.

5. How confident are you that Westwood Public Schools is preparing your student to use technology effectively in his/her life in general?

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

My student doesn't use technology at school

Don't know

6. Based on your experience with your student, how could Westwood Public Schools improve the way it utilizes technology to support student learning?

Additional Comments

Use this section to add clarification to any question, or to add any thoughts you might have on any aspect (positive or negative) of how instructional technology impacts your involvement in your school and/or your students' learning. Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Survey Form Updated 5/18/12