Whiteriver Student Survey

Dear Student:

The following survey is part of Whiteriver Unified School District's effort to assess the impact of instructional technology in your schools and classrooms. There are many different points of view and opinions related to technology resource allocation, use and impact, and this survey is one way of gathering information on those varied opinions and experiences. Teachers will also be surveyed, schools will be visited, and focus groups will be conducted this fall as a means of gathering more in-depth information on how technology impacts student learning and teacher work.

Data from this survey will be analyzed in aggregate to create an overall picture of technology use in Whiteriver schools for the purposes of technology planning. Individual responses will not be tracked and therefore all of your responses will be anonymous.

Thanks in advance for your time and candid responses,

Which school do you attend:

Please indicate your grade:

In each of the questions below that asks for an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you would like. The box will automatically expand as you type.

The term "technology" in this survey is defined as any of the information technology tools or resources that are provided by your school to support your learning. These would include computers, interactive whiteboards, network/WWW/internet access, software, websites, and digital devices such as cameras, printers, and audio equipment. Question #7 is an exception to this rule in that this question refers to technology that belongs to you or your family and not technology provided by your school.

1. Please provide an example of how you use technology during a typical day at school.

2. Please describe how your teachers use technology in the classroom.

3. Typically, I use technolgy at school to:


If "Yes", Please Provide An Example

a. create original works and products (e.g., movies, presentations, digital media, etc.)

b. work collaboratively, using technology tools to communicate and share ideas and resources with fellow students and teachers in my own class

c. work collaboratively, using technology tools and resources to communicate and share ideas and resources with students and teachers at a distance (i.e., in locations other than my own class)

d. gather information and conduct research

e. to explore concepts and solve problems

4. Please rate your skills in the following:

a. Creating text documents using a word processor (e.g., Word, Google Docs, etc.)

b. Creating presentations (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi)

c. Developing spreadsheets (e.g., Excel)

d. Conducting WWW-based research (e.g., using search engines such as Google)

e. Evaluating information sources for quality, accuracy, bias, points of view, etc.

f. Using technology as a tool for online collaboration (e.g., Prezi, Skype)

5. Do you have sufficient access to technology at school to support your learning?

6. Where do you most frequently use/access technology at school?

7. The following items are about your personal access to technology at home (i.e., NOT at school):

I have a smartphone that can access the Internet
I have a tablet device - of my own - that I can use for school work at home
I have a computer at home that I can use to access the Internet for school work
I have my own personal email address
I have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or some other form of social media
I use the Internet (including email) to communicate with my teachers (please select a frequency)

Additional Comments

Use this section to add clarification to any question, or to add any thoughts you might have on any aspect (positive or negative) of how instructional technology impacts your learning and/or school. Once again, please be assured that your comments are confidential.

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

When your survey is accepted by the system, you will be taken to a confirmation page. This may take a moment, so please be patient.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Last updated, September 4, 2014