Whiteriver Teacher Survey

Dear Whiteriver Teacher:

The following survey is part of the district's effort to assess its Tech Ready grant and the impact that grant has had in classrooms across the district. In addition to being used to assess the grant, the data obtained from this survey will help Whiteriver develop a picture of how instructional technology in general is used by the district's students and teachers, and will be useful in future technology planning efforts.

Data from this survey will be analyzed in aggregate. Individual responses will not be tracked, and will remain anonymous. In addition to this survey, the grant's external evaluators - Sun Associates - will also be visiting each school, observing teachers and students, and conducting teacher/administrator interviews. Ultimately, this data will be aggregated and used to support the Tech Ready evaluation as well Whiteriver's overall work to make technology a key part of teaching and learning for all students.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Please select your building (REQUIRED. Your survey cannot be counted without this information):

Please select your position:

Please select the grade you currently teach:

Please select your subject area:

In each of the questions below where you can provide an open-ended response, please feel free to type in as much text as you would like. The box will automatically scroll and your text will automatically wrap in the box.

1. In what ways has WUSD's Tech Ready grant had impact on your teaching over the past year?

2. For each of the following items, please select your best estimate of the frequency that your students engage in the described sort of activity as a result of something that you have assigned/facilitated. Use the space next to each frequency/item to provide an (optional) example of this activity and/or more detail on your response.

Practice Frequency Example

Students use technology to create original works and products (e.g., movies, presentations, digital media, etc.).

Students work collaboratively, using technology tools to communicate and share ideas and resources with fellow students and teachers in their own class.

Students work collaboratively, using technology tools and resources to communicate and share ideas and resources with students and teachers at a distance (i.e., in locations other than their own class).

Students use digital tools to gather information and conduct research.

Students use technology tools to explore concepts and solve problems.

3. Please indicate the frequency with which you personally, as a teacher, use technology to support the following tasks:

Task Frequency Example

To create opportunities for students to use technology to create original, innovative work/products

To create student-centered learning opportunities that integrate technology tools

To create student learning experiences that engage students in collaborative environments that promote global and local communication

As a means for authentic assessment

As a tool for professional productivity

To participate in professional learning opportunities, communicate with peers and collaborate with other professionals

4. For each of the following statements, please select the degree to which you agree with the statement. You may provide additional clarification or comments to any of your responses by entering those comments in Question 11, below.

My students demonstrate critical thinking skills by evaluating and selecting appropriate information resources.
My students demonstrate the ability to select among technology tools and applications appropriate to their learning tasks.
My students demonstrate understanding of safe and ethical uses of technology.
My students demonstrate proficiency with technology tools and operations appropriate to their grade level.
My students currently have sufficient access to the technology they need to learn at school.
My students arrive in my classroom each fall with the technology skills necessary to successfully use technology for learning.
My students use technology to support project based learning (PBL).
I feel that I have adequate professional development around the use of technology to support project based learning (PBL).
I feel that the coaching and mentoring I have received from Tech Ready will enable me to continue teaching STEM and PBL units throughout the coming school year.
I understand how I can use STEM and PBL to address core academic curriculum objectives.
I feel that I have access to the technology tools that I need to support teaching and learning.

5. Approximately how many STEM/PBL project-based units (activities) did you teach with your students last year?

6. Approximately how often did you interact with Tech Ready coaches/developers last year?

7. Approximately how often did you access technical support to help you with hardware/software/network issues last year?

8. In what topics/subjects would you like to receive professional development this year? (This does not have to relate specifically to technology, but could be on any topic/subject you wish. Use the text box below to describe other topics.)

Meeting core curriculum objectives with technology tools and resources Developing and Implementing Project-Based Learning Units
Basic Technology Applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) Collaborative Work with fellow teachers in designing STEM curriculum activities.
Advanced techniques for online research Other (please describe in text field directly below)

9. Please provide an example of how Tech Ready professional developers have supported your teaching.

10. How did your students respond to the STEM/PBL units that you implemented with them last year?

11. Moving forward in this school year, what would help you teach technology-infused project based learning activities with your students?

When you are finished with this survey, click on this button to the survey for processing. Please click only once.

If you want to delete all of your answers and start again, click here

Last updated, August 25, 2014