Objectives break goals down into smaller, more manageable pieces.  Unlike Action Steps which are about particular things you will do to achieve goals/objectives, objectives are intended to describe in finer detail the things that your goal will address. You make decisions about what your goal will address (i.e., what your objectives will be) based on a review of what you need to accomplish to meet your system’s goals. These decisions are informed by your evaluation data.

IMPACT as a state plan has multiple objectives already associated with each goal. Objectives for each goal are listed on that goal’s page for review or selection by local systems. These are the state's objectives, but systems may appropriate these objectives as their own (and create their own action steps intended to achieve these objectives).  On the other hand, you can create your own objectives to use instead of, or in conjunction with, the state objectives.  You would want to create your own objectives if you do not feel that the existing state objectives adequately describe how a goal needs to be implemented and/or focused in your particular system.

For example, if you have a goal on integrating technology, reasonable objectives might be:

You must have 3 objectives associated with every goal.

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Last updated,3/22/07